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Certified Personal Trainer
Get answer to your questions about Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) certification.
11 articles
How many credits/hours do I need to complete the Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) Certification?
What is covered in the Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) Certification?
Do gyms accept this CPT certification?
If I acquire the Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) Certification can I work in any state in the USA or province in Canada?
Can I get liability insurance upon completion of the CPT certification?
Is your certification accredited by the NCCA?
Does this certification count toward level III or IV in Australia?
Are these certificates registered with Reps in UK? When I finish these courses will my name be registered with reps?
Do I need to stay a member to keep my certification?
Do you accept other courses towards certification or certification renewal?
How do I recertify with the Brookbush Institute?